DMX Light Controller


DMX 200 Controllers - 16 Channels         

Bright LED Display shows all the functions. The controller is easy in use and you can easy learn to operate it. Suitable for all kind of performances; theater, stage and so on.


Total of 192 output channels

30 banks have 8 programmable scenes each

6 programmable chases have 240 scenes each

16 slider for manual control of channels

Control. Banks over Midi, and CHASES  Blackout Record up to 6 CHASES with a Programmable Time The fade and speeds

LED function and program display

Midi control over banks, chases and blackout

Built in microphone for music triggering

Auto mode program controlled by fade time sliders

LED lamp connector

Dimensions (mm): 520mmX183mmX73mm

Up to CE standard, UL standard and GB 7000.15-2000 standard