ALLEN & HEATH M-MADI is one of a range of option cards which can be fitted to an iLive to enable integration with other systems. Multi-channel Digital Audio Interface (MADI) is an industry standard protocol for digital audio supported by many manufacturers.

M-MADI gives access to 64 input and 64 output channels and can be fitted to:

The Allen & Heath M-MADI-A 64-Channel MADI Card is for the iLive console and is used for bi-directional transmission of digital audio and word clock signal over 75 ohm coaxial cables. The M-MADI card will also support word clock for accurate digital sync.

FEATURES at a glance

Dual link mode: connect and stream with two separate devices. Inputs to the system can be patched from the two MADI streams in blocks of 8, while the same outputs are broadcast on both links.

Redundant mode: Link 1 and Link 2 can be used as a redundant pair. Audio and clock will continue if one of the cables fails.

Aux BNC:

Out 1 mirror: This mode duplicates the MADI stream ‘Out 1’, useful for splitting signals to multiple devices.

In 1 Thru: The MADI stream ‘In 1’ is passed ‘thru’, allowing daisy chaining of signals to an unlimited number of devices. The signal is fully reclocked and buffered for optimal reliability, and the signal will automatically switch to ‘In 2’ if ‘In 1’ fails in redundant mode.

WordClock IN: Provides a word clock input to sync the system from an external (48 KHz) source, for example a distributed word clock.

This is a high-sensitivity input, locking to a word clock signal as low as 200 mV p-p.

WordClock OUT: A standard word clock output to allow other systems to sync from the iLive system, useful when connecting to 3rd party MADI devices which may not be able to sync from the MADI stream.